Tales of a Solitary Soul

Thursday, November 18, 2004

good co-op evaluation

well, the evaluation came and went. Unexpectedly, the boss gave me one of the best evaluations he had ever given (according to the co-op director). Now, this poses quite the strange probelm. I just do not understand how that is possible after all the differences that we have had. Its weird how some ppl work I guess.

On a different note, a co-worker of mine showed me a video from a U.S. F-16 kiling a bunch of civilians cold heartedly. http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/BUN410A.html
Its amazing how no media coverage is given to this but when the canadian soldiers were accidently bombed, everyone was up in arms. We should all make du'a for that is the least we can do.

On the edmonton level, I guess people are still talking about the divide over the maharaja and the Shaw Conference group. Personally, I'm all for have a united Eid prayer with all the mosques (including Al-Rashid) but I also believe in working with the jama'h. After the shura (comprised of ppl we have selected) makes a decision, I believe we should learn to abide by it. If we do not like, there are numerous ways of going about to change and least of which are having a public confrontation or general boycott. It just seems like that sometimes we let our egos get in the way of clear thinking and we lose sight of the fact how our actions can greatly affect the community. It brings a hadeeth to the forefront (from murtada's blog):

Abu Darda (ra) narrated, "The Prophet (pbuh) advised me with nine advices: "1) Do not associate partners with Allah, even if you are dissevered or burnt for your belief. 2) Do not intentionally leave the obligatory prayers. Whoever does so disenfranchises himself from Islamic protection. 3) Do not drink intoxicants, since it is the key to all evil. 4) Obey your parents; if they order you to leave something worldly, leave it. 5) Do not disobey those in charge, even if you are sure your opinion is more correct. 6) Do not flee the battlefield, even if your companions flee and you face destruction. 7) Spend on your family from your generosity, 8) do not lift your stick to hit them, and 9) induce in them God-consciousness." " (Partially in Ibn Majah's "Al-Fitan" and partially by Ahmed)

Here, I would like ppl to atleast read the highlighted red part. Well enough rantings for one day for I should be getting back to work as the coffee break is over.

Faraz Ahmed 3:03 p.m.


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