Tales of a Solitary Soul

Monday, September 04, 2006

Life Goes On

After much thought, I've decided to stop writing on this blog. Insha Allah, I'll start again some day.

I still want to write, to blog, but unfortunately not everything in life is how we want it to be. Certain factors affect our life, yet we have no control over them. There's much I need to accomplish in the very little time that I've been given. I'm being ambiguous but it's better to face the 'confusion of reality than the deception of illusion.'

Thanks to all the readers who have been there since the beginning, taking time out to check the blog. Though many of you remained behind the veil of anonymous, it was the input, not the identity, that mattered.

It's a sad ending, unexpected and unplanned to say the least. The blog will exist but like an empty house perched on top of a high cliff. It formed a huge part of my life, influencing me in ways I couldn't even imagine. But even the best of friendships break.

zindagi chalti rahey.
Life goes on.
Faraz Ahmed 1:06 a.m. | 6 comments |