Tales of a Solitary Soul

Thursday, March 17, 2005

A Trip Down Memory Lane

I looked out the window unable to properly see due to layers of mud that seemed to had found a permanent home. Not the one to give up without a fight, I strained my eyes to get a better view of the passing world only to be taken back by a sudden onslaught of memories. My senses became alight like a bee on sight of nectar.

Could it be? Has school really taken its toll to the extent of hallucination?

Roughly ten years ago, I was sitting on a similar bus travelling along a very familiar path. I looked around to see what had really changed...............nothing was the answer. The posts with circular lights, the neon signboards, the busy intersections..........the only thing missing was the hot and humid temperature but that was an unwelcome guest even back then and especially now.

If it wasn't for the occasional English phrase that would cross my ear, I could have bet my life I was back in Abu Dhabi. A person always remembers his childhood no matter how good or bad. I don't really know why now after so many years I felt like travelling through those same streets one more time.

The biggest shock was realizing the long way I had come not in terms of physical distance but rather on an emotional, intellectual and spiritual level. Who would have thought I'd find true Islam after travelling thousands of miles to what an originally was an economical move.

How did it happen? Where did it all start?

I sit back and wonder. What were the odds? Was it meant to be? What good deed did I do to deserve this?

It almost seems like a dream.............waiting to be shattered. But no, it can't be broken that easily for that is the strength of iman!!!!

Where will I be ten years from now??

We all think we control our lives. Nobody is a bigger proponent of that concept than I but how many times the decisions have already been made for us? Its a scary thought when one realizes the vast number of events that effect us but are not under our control. I get on the bus and hope the driver is safe enough not to get into an accident. Or how about that drunk driver who might decide to run light at the same time as I'm crossing it.

Its natural to think our actions are the single determining factor of our lives. But the moment we realize what we are up against, dua' seems to be the only option!!!
Faraz Ahmed 10:55 p.m.


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