Tales of a Solitary Soul

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ideal Lawz

Looking back on the past two weeks, dayz and nights were spent staring at random equations, which will all be forgotten at the turn of the month. But then again the fact that the equations I was studying appeared random should tell you how far behind I was in my courses!!

During this period of isolation, I came to an interesting realization: my studies and life in general are not all that different.

For example, in one of the courses, we studied the effects of liquids and gases. But because these seemingly trivial subjects are very complex, certain assumptions are made which greatly simplifies everything. That laws that we then come up with are called 'ideal lawz' because they're based on so many assumptions. Now, its another story that in reality these laws that we derive are not true because not everything about liquid n gases is taken into account.

Similarly, we sit and dream about life and what we want to achieve meanwhile choosing to ignore all the harsh realities. Therefore, we live in our 'ideal' world where assumptions of a perfect life are made. But when this ideal of our is broken, much like the lawz of liquids and gases, we're very surprised and let out an exasperated gasp claiming not to have seen it coming!! But didn't we just choose to ignore it in the first place??

To be honest I don't really know where I'm going with this analogy but its an interesting thought nonetheless (atleast I hope so!!).

On a different note, visit the following link to browse through the bids for 2012 Olympics. There are some big guns running: london, paris, moscow, madrid and new york. The bid videos are good and worth watching.


As usual, the weather seems to have turned on me as soon as school ended :-(
I had all these planz but the weather has put them all in a turmoil so no MSA bar-b-que (I was really looking forward to it) and maybe even my game will get cancelled. Now I'm really mad!!
(I guess my earlier analogy applies perfectly to this situation)
Faraz Ahmed 11:39 p.m.


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