Thursday, August 18, 2005
We're not all that different
Watched Hotel Rwanda be honest, I don't know what could possibly come close to describing the sequence of events.
You hear of them passing by your television sets as you scurry back and forth. So you took a second glance, or even bothered to sit down and listen to the whole story. And then what??
A million dead!!! Ten thousand per day.....45,000 in one site alone......
Yeah, I'm sure these numbers sound pretty large, don't they?? But do you really grasp the gravity of the situation.
3000 died on september 11: Two countries were bombed back to stone age as a result.
50 died on July 7: Biggest ever operation by London Police to hunt down the suspects.
They didn't have white skin, nor the biggest oil reserve in the world, nor any position of power on the international scene....heck, they barely had the name of their country on the map!!!
So you thought it was okay for them to die. They didn't really have much to begin with and their deaths only ended their suffering.
But, this is where you went wrong. They weren't all that different from you. They dreamt and hoped and laughed and cried and felt pain......maybe their dreams were not of million dollar houses and a private jet but in the end, we are all the same. We all live for a better future.
Next time you see their pictures, just stop for a second and focus in just one body or one skull. Think....just think and try to imagine about what his name was, what he did for a living....Why did he die?? Just because he was of a certain color, religion, race, tribe......did he have a wife and kids or maybe he was a student like you and I......or maybe he was your father's age. Did he also dream of a better future like you??
Because in the end, we're not all that different.
You hear of them passing by your television sets as you scurry back and forth. So you took a second glance, or even bothered to sit down and listen to the whole story. And then what??
A million dead!!! Ten thousand per day.....45,000 in one site alone......
Yeah, I'm sure these numbers sound pretty large, don't they?? But do you really grasp the gravity of the situation.
3000 died on september 11: Two countries were bombed back to stone age as a result.
50 died on July 7: Biggest ever operation by London Police to hunt down the suspects.
They didn't have white skin, nor the biggest oil reserve in the world, nor any position of power on the international scene....heck, they barely had the name of their country on the map!!!
So you thought it was okay for them to die. They didn't really have much to begin with and their deaths only ended their suffering.
But, this is where you went wrong. They weren't all that different from you. They dreamt and hoped and laughed and cried and felt pain......maybe their dreams were not of million dollar houses and a private jet but in the end, we are all the same. We all live for a better future.
Next time you see their pictures, just stop for a second and focus in just one body or one skull. Think....just think and try to imagine about what his name was, what he did for a living....Why did he die?? Just because he was of a certain color, religion, race, tribe......did he have a wife and kids or maybe he was a student like you and I......or maybe he was your father's age. Did he also dream of a better future like you??
Because in the end, we're not all that different.

Faraz Ahmed 11:55 p.m.
True.When the skin is not white,deaths are not important.Was hotel Rwanda good?I could not bring myself to watch it.
, at
Initialy, I refused to watch it too. But then I realized that I was just trying to hide from what had happened.
Is it good? I think the story itself is so strong that you end up not caring much about how the movie is made.
There are some scenes that are bound to choke anyone up....especially the one where all the 'foreign nationals' are boarded on a bus to be flown out and the Rwandans are left even though the UN and the western countries know that they will be massacred.
And this other scene where the Tutsi women are literally put in a cage like animals to be 'used' by the Hutu men.
Is it good? I think the story itself is so strong that you end up not caring much about how the movie is made.
There are some scenes that are bound to choke anyone up....especially the one where all the 'foreign nationals' are boarded on a bus to be flown out and the Rwandans are left even though the UN and the western countries know that they will be massacred.
And this other scene where the Tutsi women are literally put in a cage like animals to be 'used' by the Hutu men.