Tales of a Solitary Soul

Sunday, October 30, 2005


"There have been No vigils to mark the disaster: week 1, week 2, now week 3 - I keep counting. No silent, candlelight vigils at sunset. No minute of silence at 8:51am. No day of mourning. No protest march (silent or loud) against NATO`s refusal to airlift the injured. No sit-ins to demand of governments the desperately needed helicopters, tents, medicine, monetary aid. And no demonstrations in front of the oblivious offices of world media.

Did you hear the scream of a boy who was laid out on grass and given candy in place of anesthesia, as one leg is amputated with a non-surgical instrument?

Now, it's our time to scream."


Faraz Ahmed 12:59 p.m.


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