Tales of a Solitary Soul

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Gazing out the office window, across the snow covered landscape of Calgary, a feeling of satisfaction yet emptiness. An eerie calm has taken me over and I look out like a man possesssed. Maybe it's the graveyard silence but I wish I can treasure this moment.

Hundreds of scattered lamp posts, emitting light like fireflies lost. How tall they seem when I walk by and now they bow to me like a subject before his king. Cars, the size of ants from up here, dart back and forth as the river unknowingly mimicks their motion. More lights from the opposite apartment building housing counless souls, each with a fascinating tale that would take ages to digest.

Everything seems so surreal, so insignificant. Yet, when I walk through the same streets, they look to swallow me and now.......how humiliated they seem!

Why am I in the office on a Sunday evening?

Maybe it's the amount of work that has forced me here or maybe I yearn to just sit and stare. Stare at this busy world that keeps on ticking like a clock, waiting for no one. I wish everyone could see what lies before me. The sight is breathtaking; like the twinkling stars against the dark night sky. The whole city has opened itself and I see its deepest corners.

From the epicentre of this coporate chess world, I play this game. I see the bishops, the knights, and the pawns. Where do I fit in?

The king promises that pawns like me shall reign one day but he naively assumes that I want the power. I'm just happy to to get through and do my part for that is the life of a traveler. Why bother with the excess baggage if the final destination doesn't require it?

I'm happy to be insignificant but it wasn't always like that. There were times when I wanted the world......and everything that's in it! And now when this opportunity is given to me, I flat out refuse. No matter how much money or stock options, I eye a bigger prize.

You think I'm lost.

Or maybe I've found the way.
Faraz Ahmed 7:27 p.m.


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