Sunday, February 19, 2006
The advent of reading week finally brings a sense of normality back to my schedule or whatever is left of it. A stack of mail has found an unwanted home on top of the drawer along with this and last month's National Geographic, which I haven't touched in weeks.
Hmm, lets see what the main stories are:
-cover story on grand canyon (I'll glimpse it)
-genocide unearthed (this will end up in a post sooner or later insha Allah)
-Maya Gods and Kings (now this I have to read!)
-mighty Mantid (I have no idea what it is either)
-cover story on 'love' (Mom had a raised eyebrow when she this title but surprisingly managed to keep her silence)
-a feature on orthodox jews
-dispatches from Iraq
-Heartbreak on the Serengeti (about an African tribe's fight for survival -- I like these types of stories)
Every month, my computer's wallpaper finds itself a new 'tenant' courtes
y of the wonderful photographers at National Geographic. This month's picture really moved me so I decided to share it. There's something un-nerving about the pic -- it's beautifully dangerous like life.
"I have prepared for My Pious slaves things which have never been seen by an eye, or heard by an ear, or imagined by a human being."
Two pieces of advice I leave you all with:
1. Leaving Isha'a till 4 am in the morning is not the best of ideas as I found out last night.
2. Cracking marriage jokes in front of a Sheikh who has a matrimonial service can get you married before you even realize what has happened. Fortunately, I made it out in one piece.....for now.
Hmm, lets see what the main stories are:
-cover story on grand canyon (I'll glimpse it)
-genocide unearthed (this will end up in a post sooner or later insha Allah)
-Maya Gods and Kings (now this I have to read!)
-mighty Mantid (I have no idea what it is either)
-cover story on 'love' (Mom had a raised eyebrow when she this title but surprisingly managed to keep her silence)
-a feature on orthodox jews
-dispatches from Iraq
-Heartbreak on the Serengeti (about an African tribe's fight for survival -- I like these types of stories)
Every month, my computer's wallpaper finds itself a new 'tenant' courtes

"I have prepared for My Pious slaves things which have never been seen by an eye, or heard by an ear, or imagined by a human being."
Two pieces of advice I leave you all with:
1. Leaving Isha'a till 4 am in the morning is not the best of ideas as I found out last night.
2. Cracking marriage jokes in front of a Sheikh who has a matrimonial service can get you married before you even realize what has happened. Fortunately, I made it out in one piece.....for now.
Faraz Ahmed 10:30 p.m.
Why are you running away?? It's time for you to get married! I mean like what better time is there than now? From the looks of it, I'll be married before you are :)
Abdullah (b. Mas'ud) (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to us: 0 young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains eyes (from casting evil glances) and preserves one from immorality; but he who cannot afford It should observe fast for it is a means of controlling the sexual desire.
, at Reminder:
Abdullah (b. Mas'ud) (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to us: 0 young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains eyes (from casting evil glances) and preserves one from immorality; but he who cannot afford It should observe fast for it is a means of controlling the sexual desire.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against marriage if Ms. Right comes along but what transpired yesterday was just awkward.
One minute I'm playing ping-pong and the next minute I'm being asked to give my opinion on a 'grade 12 girl with a hijab that goes to QE and has a Saudi father.....'
So, I made an excuse and ran out of there as fast as I can before they hand me a ring and perform my nikah (nikah=kitab for all you non-Urdu speakers)
One minute I'm playing ping-pong and the next minute I'm being asked to give my opinion on a 'grade 12 girl with a hijab that goes to QE and has a Saudi father.....'
So, I made an excuse and ran out of there as fast as I can before they hand me a ring and perform my nikah (nikah=kitab for all you non-Urdu speakers)
May Allah bless you with someone who is will aid you in your religion and this dunya.
Oh ... actually 'Nikah' is an Arabic word which means 'marriage', and it is mentioned in the Quran (with its many variations: Nakaha, yankihu, inkihu, ...) :D
I am back in Fort Mac by the way. Please keep me in your du'a.
Assalamu 3alaikum
, at
Oh ... actually 'Nikah' is an Arabic word which means 'marriage', and it is mentioned in the Quran (with its many variations: Nakaha, yankihu, inkihu, ...) :D
I am back in Fort Mac by the way. Please keep me in your du'a.
Assalamu 3alaikum