Tales of a Solitary Soul

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

CAIR is giving away free copies of the PBS documentary on the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I haven't seen the entire documentary but really like the fact that many non-Muslim historians were featured giving it more credibility, not in my eyes but among the non-Muslims.

Talking about DVDs, I finally managed to get my hands on the 'special extended version with extra feature 12-CD set of Lord of the Rings.' I've wanted to buy it for a long time but the $120 price tag had a strange way of making me feel guilty.

Even while coughing up $60, I didn't feel too comfortable thinking this money could sponsor two orphans for a month, but it had to be done. But alas, poor Yorick, cruel fate has it such that I have far too much to do than watch a 3-hour long movie, even if it is Lord of the Rings.

But fear not, March 19th has been circled for a LOTR marathon. Anyone and everyone is invited to enjoy 12-hours of hobbity goodness!
Faraz Ahmed 8:01 p.m.


12 hours?

of hobbits?
Yes anonymous, 12 hours....seems like someone is not a LOTR fan :-(
oh no no, im sorry.

its just..they're a little..long, no?
Long eh?

And I haven't even mentioned the additional 12-hours of 'Behind the Scenes' footage.
not to be rude or anything...
but did anyone ever tell u u were crazy?
Now you sound exactly like my sister!

Faraz: Wajeeha, you want to watch the entire LOTR collection?

Wajeeha: Are you crazy Faraz bhai!! Why would anyone want to do that?!

For some reason anonymous, you seem to think that I'll watch it all straight with no breaks.

Perhaps one break ;-)

ps. they called Einstein 'crazy' too when he wanted to split the atom.
watched half of it. it's good. hobbity goodness indeed. but i couldn't possibly do a marathon of it.
i'd have to say, though, that 12 hours on screen doesn't do justice to 12 years in the making.

...hope u don't mind me treading on ur domain.
queschen: do you know how long the movie was in the making? my acquaintance and i are having a disagreement over that. i say 15 months and she says 3 years.
I tried looking it up on the net but couldn't find much.

I'm pretty sure it mentions the fact somwhere in the 12 hours of documentary...I just have to watch it all to find out.

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