Tales of a Solitary Soul

Thursday, June 29, 2006

In response to the arrest of 17 people by Canadian authorities with charges of alleged terrorism, the Americans responded with: “Anything that you do, we can do better!”

So they unearthed a cell of seven alleged ‘Bible studying’ terrorists, one of them from Haiti. Yes, you read it right, I said Haiti. The same country where our self-proclaimed ‘hot looking’ Governor General was born -- Michelle Jean. I wonder if they’re going to racially profile her next time she visits the States?

The article says they called themselves Muslims but were known as Seas of David and studied the Bible. How does that work?
(notice how the media doesn’t call them Christian terrorists as opposed to the widespread use of Muslim or Islamist terrorists)

In other news, read these headlines from the same news source, one on top of the other:

The murder of an Asian prisoner by his racist cellmate could have been prevented, an inquiry has concluded

Four Muslim men are hanged in Pakistan after being convicted of gang-raping a Christian girl at gunpoint

Upon first glance, nothing seems out of the ordinary (relatively speaking of course). But on a closer inspection, in the first news story, the prisoner killed was Muslim but that was not mentioned but for some odd reason, the religion of the culprit and the victim in the second story became important. Notice how subtly the media can work?

(on a separate note, kudos to the court for hanging them all – you commit such a heinous crime, be ready to pay the price)
Faraz Ahmed 1:51 p.m.


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