Tales of a Solitary Soul

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm asked the same question over and over again by wide eyed kids, beginning their long and often painful yet hoped to be a worthy journey called post secondary education. What year am I?

What should I say? Fifth year going into my sixth and only my Bachelor's to show for it? Or take the easy way out by claiming it to be my last two terms in school and dodging it altogether?

First year is a distant memory yet it's etched in some corner of my mind to resurface at the most awkward of moments. Just the other day, I was sitting with someone who has already graduated when a couple of first years stopped to talk. They wanted advice on how survive in the jungle, to get ahead in the rat race.

I walk through the familiar hallways blindfolded, the same path I've taken for years. The sun is about to set and I have a long way to go.


Faraz Ahmed 11:00 p.m.


Yes yes, it is a dreaded question indeed "what year are you in?"
Some possible answers:
a) Mind your own business (expect a raised eyebrow(s))
b) Young one, your mind may not be able to comprehend the information I am about to display forth, so inorder to avoid killing your brain cells with questions regaurding my progress in post seconday, I suggest that you run along and figure out exactly what it is you wish to do with you life.
c) I'm in my Xth year. (wait for look of shock proceeded by a gasp)
I really like the second one. Especially the last part about running along to figure out what to do in life.

I have to use that atleast once before graduation.
So when are you going to make a khutba? I can't wait to hear it, Murtada's khutba was good too...
I prefer not to give khutbahs at university unless there is an absolute need for it (ie. no one is available).

Murtada was good as usual :-)
i'm funny.

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