Monday, August 29, 2005
Image Upload
Saturday, August 27, 2005
There actually was a surprise (and not a good one) but interestingly it wasn't related to the house but rather the people who own it. It was more disturbing than finding the house in bad condition or anything of the same sort........I'm trying not to think too much about it but its not exactly very easy to forget......
But Allah (swt) put me in this situation for a reason.
So now the troubling question of what to do on this Saturday. I already slept in till late and really wanted to take the c-train to the nearest mosque. I'd have to make a few phone calls to figure out where it is but it should be a fun ride and a good visit.
Still trying to figure out on how to get the pics from either my cell phone or handheld to a computer so I can blog them.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Works goes well [don't want to say anything because trying to forget about it for the weekend].
Met some good brothers a couple dayz back; Umar's cousins. Coincidentally (or maybe not), all three of us live in the same area. One of them is lone wolf like myself [meaning he lives alone and not that he doesn't have any friends) so it seems like we should be spendin' a lot of time together. Apparently he's an amazing cook and I'm anything but. So as you can see, its a match made in heaven....we're like the odd couple!!!
Paying tons of visit to the halal restaurant right infront of my hotel to the extent that they know me by name now.
One sad thing though is I've been very behind on my Quran readings which is mostly a result of the new schedule. See, I like reading the Quran at the same time every day. This way I get into a routine and becomes a habit. But now with the whacked out schedule, I'm still trying to figure out a good time slot. The usual culprits are the late night before going to sleep or the maybe the c-train ride from home to work.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
For the first week, I'm staying in a hotel but insha Allah after that I will be moving to a room that I rented. Luckily, there's a halal restaurtant right infront of my hotel. Its like the company knew that when they booked me in the hotel!!!
I went for a walk around downtown with a friend and as much as it hurts me to say this, I have to: its a LOT better than Edmonton. Sure, you have your big skyscrapers and tons of traffic but then every other turn, there's little parks where one can just sit by a water fountain or lie under a shade. Its quite serene, for a downtown atleast.
The only bad part being the amount of homeless people who run after you at every turn. Now, I have nothing against them but its one thing being homeless and another when you get drunk and start shouting random stuff to every person that walks by you. Its happened so many times now that I can't think of them as isolated incidents anymore. To be honest, I'm kind of scared to go out after 6 pm.
As for work, I'm the youngest person on my floor by far (or maybe even the whole building). There's one more student but she's leaving in a week so I'll have the crown all for myself. Apparently, everyone thinks they are my 'mentor' now and that I need 'guidance.' I get quite a few 'young fellow/man/engineer' from random people. The joys of working :-)
On a different note, just waiting for Umar so we can go out. As much as I want to meet him, I also really want to see more of Calgary than just the downtown. I'll try to post some pics assuming I can get them transferred to a computer. I got lots more to say but time is short so insha Allah next time, I'll blog a longer post.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
We're not all that different
You hear of them passing by your television sets as you scurry back and forth. So you took a second glance, or even bothered to sit down and listen to the whole story. And then what??
A million dead!!! Ten thousand per day.....45,000 in one site alone......
Yeah, I'm sure these numbers sound pretty large, don't they?? But do you really grasp the gravity of the situation.
3000 died on september 11: Two countries were bombed back to stone age as a result.
50 died on July 7: Biggest ever operation by London Police to hunt down the suspects.
They didn't have white skin, nor the biggest oil reserve in the world, nor any position of power on the international scene....heck, they barely had the name of their country on the map!!!
So you thought it was okay for them to die. They didn't really have much to begin with and their deaths only ended their suffering.
But, this is where you went wrong. They weren't all that different from you. They dreamt and hoped and laughed and cried and felt pain......maybe their dreams were not of million dollar houses and a private jet but in the end, we are all the same. We all live for a better future.
Next time you see their pictures, just stop for a second and focus in just one body or one skull. Think....just think and try to imagine about what his name was, what he did for a living....Why did he die?? Just because he was of a certain color, religion, race, tribe......did he have a wife and kids or maybe he was a student like you and I......or maybe he was your father's age. Did he also dream of a better future like you??
Because in the end, we're not all that different.

Sunday, August 14, 2005
58th Birthday
All jokes aside, I actually feel like I've been in a war after finishing an exam. Walking out the thoughts in my mind are something to the effect of:
"Man, the exam got in a pretty good blow with that first question; I really wasn't expecting that to be their first attack maneuver. But I nailed that second question pretty hard....yeah, that son of a gun was killed in less than five minutes but...............then question no. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 just massacred me after that!!"
Afterwards, I'm tired, hungry, disillusioned, and ready to collapse on anything not made of concrete. Another similarity is when I walk in the exam, complete victory is on my mind. But half way through it, I'm thinking 'damage control,' which essentially means that somehow just scrape through this exam and live to fight another day.
On a different note, today's the 58th birthday of Pakistan [tommorrow is India]. Considering I was eight when I moved out of Pakistan, my memories of specific dayz as such are hazy at best. I remember the general proceedings of what use to happen but have trouble pinpointing specific activities. Lots of fireworks, flags of all sizes, honking cars, patriotic songs on TV all day, license to break most laws other than the essential times :-)
Actually, I just remembered something. Around the age of 6 [or maybe 7], we had Independence Day celebrations in our neigbourhood consisting of songs, plays etc....the whole nine yards. I can still vividly recall going to the auditions with my cousins and landing the role of groom in the 'Best Couple' competition.
The competition included dressing up young boys/girlz as grooms/brides and matching them up as couples [don't ask me on what basis because I don't remember]. Then in between songs all the 'couples' would be paraded on staged decked out in their costumes and the audience was asked to pick their favorite couple. The decision was based on whom received the biggest ovation. By the way, I won; too bad I can't recall what my prize was......neither the identity of my bride :-(
.....nostalgia, there's nothing like it!!
Considering I don't do much on Canada Day, its only fair that my Pakistan Day celebrations are relegated to sending a few congragulatory emails.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Anywayz, the reason for my ramblings is 'out-of-whack' schedule ends up disrupting every facet of life. For example, I read Quran on the bus in morning during my hour long ride to university but now that classes are done and I'm not taking the bus except the dayz of the exam, its hard to find time. The day feels empty and the feeling of 'somethings missin' doesn't go away. There's countless things like that but enough rants for one day.
I just came back from refreeing (sp) a muslim street hockey tournament. I expect the mouthing off from the younger kids but even the older and supposedly 'mature' ones were lippin' me off. Its hard to fathom that this older generation represents the future leaders when they can't even control their temper in a friendly game. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise because these are the same kind of people who are incharge of Muslim countries and then........its just really sad, I think, when a 25-somethin year old is shouting at the ref younger than him. He refused to even say sorry after the game considering that most players get some sense knocked into them once the heat dies down. Well, thats the first and last time I volunteer to referee anything!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
My kids and I--not 'my' kids but the kids I was asked to supervise at the IFSSA camp [about three weeks back]. And no, I'm not the one with the beard. Thats just an uncle who decided to join the group as we trekked across the woods.
The one on the top of the bed with the hat was pretty mature for his age while the one right next to me got quite attached and was pretty upset when I left.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
As for my visit to cowtown, it was pleasant to say the least. Work finished up early so I had about three hours to kill before catching the bus. So Calgary Tower is where time was spent. Insha Allah I'll put up some of the pics as soon as I can figure out how to download them from my handheld.
It was amusing as I was all dressed up[because I was coming straight from work] and walking around with a suitcase in my hand giving the impression that I'm a tourist from some far away land. I got quite a few fleeting glances and some 'Where are you from?'........
Disappointment would become obvious on their faces when I would reply back that I'm from Edmonton. I suppose they were expecting me to say Middle East or Pakistan or something. One lady questioned on whether I was from Europe because I had pulled out a MasterCard for my purchase [according to her, overwhelming percentage of North Americans use Visa].
It was good to see a bunch of women/girls with hijabs on as I was roaming the streets of Calgary. I felt not too far from home and any familiarity in a strange place is always good. On that note, a brother, whose contact I had got from Murtada came to pick me up from the bus stop even though he was out with his family. And then he offered me his extra bed and furniture and we had just met for the first time!!! After meeting such people, its amazing to see that the ummah is in the state that it is.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
A wonderful dream
Its exciting and yet nerve wrecking. I still think it hasn't sunk in all the way.....head office job in Calgary with Suncor [nope, still seems like a wonderful dream]!!!
Wonder what good deed I did to deserve this??
"And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion."[at-Talaq v:03]
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
What would I do???
What would you do??
If Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) visited you
Just for a day or two,
If he came unexpectedly,
I wonder what you’d do.Oh I know you’d give your nicest room
To such an honored guest
And all the food you’d serve to him
Would be the very best.And you would keep assuring him
You’re glad to have him there
And having him in your own home
is joy beyond compare.But ...
When you saw him coming
Did you meet him at the door
With arms outstretched in welcome
To your heavenly visitor?Or would you have to change your clothes
Before you let him in?
Or hide some magazines and put
The Qur’an where they had been?Would you still watch X–rated movies
On your TV set?
Or would you rush to switch it off
Before he gets upset?Would you turn off the radio
And hope you hadn’t heard,
And wish you hadn’t uttered
That last, loud hasty word?Would you hide your worldly pastimes?
And, instead, take Hadith books out?
Could you let him walk right in?
Or would you rush about?And I wonder, if the Prophet
Spent a day or two with you
Would you go right on doing the things
You always do?
Would you go right on saying the things
That you always say?
Would life for you continue
As it does from day to day?Would your family conversation
Keep up its usual pace?
Or would you find it hard after each meal to thank
Your Lord with grace?Would you keep up each prayer
Without putting on a frown?
And would you always jump up early
For the prayers at dawn?Would you waste your precious, precious time
Reading the things you read?
And let him know the things on which
Your mind and spirit feed?Would you take the Prophet with you
Everywhere you plan to go?
Or would you change your plans
Just for a day or so?Would you be very glad to have him meet
Your very closest friends
Or would hope they would stay away
Until his visit ends?Would you be very glad to have him stay
Forever on and on
Or would you sigh with great relief
When he, at last, was gone?It would be interesting to know
The things you would do
If Prophet Muhammad in person
Came to visit you.
What would you do??
Monday, August 01, 2005
Mom and sis are off to Vancouver for a week visitin Dad, so you know what that means.....HOUSE PARTY!!!!!
Sadly though, I'm way past that 'high school mode' and the only party happening these days involve astute discussions regarding the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and mass transfer :-)